Thursday, April 30, 2009

Have DAWGS, Will Travel...

" Now I don't know but I've been told- "You never slow down, you never grow old..." - Thomas Petty
Hey y'all,
Our next race, the "Welcome to the Doghouse" school tour gets under way in a week- Neff the nomad sets out once again. Was talking with Sebastian about how hard it is to sit still for very long anymore. The body and mind are conditioned for continuous wandering. Unfortunately this time of year it can be a bit muddy around these parts for a walkabout. The lake and surrounding hillsides have lost most of the snow within the last few days. Been amazing to watch the power of the sun's rays though the ice will still be around for a few weeks yet.
Been enjoyable playing with Annie's pups as their eyes and ears discover new treasures each day. They can get a bit frisky with one another though momma keeps them in line for us. Or Sophie, our white buser/attla gal. Soph's probably our fastest pooch though she has only been in harness a few times. She's trouble with a capital "T.", guess that's why she has her own bed. We rescued her 5 years ago from some kids who lived in Anchorage but weren't able to have a dog anymore. She has so much energy that it's best for her to live where she has a chance to roam around. She can leave our main speed leader Annie in the dust yet unfortunately is not much of a 'team' player while out on a dogrun. Thus Sophie's been relelgated to puppy duty though she's 0nly 6 now- can older dogs learn to mellow out eventually?
Not this old Dawg- I am what I am. Will be fun to visit with new found friends starting on May 6th- as well as our old amigos. As much as we love playing with the pooches out on the trail, having the opportunity to share our adventures with others is half the fun. Hope you all enjoy the show- it never gets 'boring' - believe me, I should know at least that by now! Peace, HHN


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