Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Full Moon Craziness

Sunday was a combination of mishaps. It started off innocently enough. We decided to go for a drive to check out a new trail and get some wood. We drove as far as we could - about 8 miles until we reached a steep washed out section. We then parked the truck and hiked up the long steep section and ended up going a lot farther than we'd planned because we wanted to find out where it flattened out and then if there was any areas we could turn a team around. We were up in the snow above tree line when we decided to turn back - only the two dogs we had with us were no where to be found. I decided to go back to check on Nathan - the puppy who was waiting in the truck, and Hugh carried on to find Marcellus and Deyaah. I ran back down to the truck to find Nathan hadn't been simply sleeping - he'd managed to turn on the lights and in the process drained the battery. I waited for Hugh to return - but Marcellus returned about 20 minutes before Hugh and Deyaah. Hugh was relieved to see Marcellus becuase he hadn't been able to find him up top but we were both already really tired and neither of us wanted to walk home to get the other truck. In the end we left the two dogs in Hugh's truck with the puppy and we both walked home. We had to cross two creeks and two large icy puddles and finally made it home just before dark. We then drove my truck back to boost the other truck. I picked up the dogs and drove them home while Hugh decided to gather some wood. When I got home I started feeding the dogs in the yard. I made up three buckets of kibble and broth and put it in the cart to wheel through the yard. I'd fed about 10 dogs when then cart hit a hole and flipped over. I gathered up what kibble I could but I wasn't too impressed. I guess I should have at least grabbed a glass of water before I started feeding. The next morning, feeling very stiff I went to start my truck. It started no problem but wouldn't move an inch - frozen brakes probably from driving through all that water. Hugh then moved his truck to unload the wood from the previous night and parked it on a hill. Just as he started unloading the wood the emergency brake let go and the truck started moving backwards at an increasing speed. He just managed to open the door and jump in to stop it before it carreened over the drop and towards the shed. Hopefully this will be the end of the craziness. I think todays the end of the full moon.


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